
Archive for July, 2011

And it must be epic.

So um…

Yeah, Facebook. Tiny status updates. Kinda stuck in that mode right now… Blogging? Blogging… Um…. Hm.

Let’s start small. Little stories.

Well, it’s summer, so… swimming pool, splash pads (many). RAD 4th of July festivities in our town. No fireworks due to the crispy nature of our grass hereabouts.


Jonah will be baptized soon, Possibly Sunday. It was a lot of asking and talking and hard thinking on his part, for a very long time. He’s reaaally stoked, and so are we. I expected that he would be much older before taking this step, but I was wrong. And that’s just fine.


Transferring from FB:

Jason:  Ella, a little bird told me you’ve been throwing fits today.

Ella:  What bird?!

Jason:  Never mind that– have you been throwing fits?

Ella:  Where’s this bird?!

Just had to record that for posterity, even though everyone saw it already.


Ella’s pretty much potty-trained now. Still gets distracted when she’s playing outside and forgets to come in, but other than that she does well. PHEW. <—- humongous sigh of relief.


The last few weeks she trips all over herself. At the moment she has a black eye. From dancing. Little Miss Agility is getting too big for her feet. Or her feet are too big for her. Or maybe both.


にほんご  が  べんきょう. <—- I’m studying Japanese lately. I can finally read hiragana and I’m slowly learning kanji (those are the imported Chinese symbols). You have to know at least 2,000 kanji to be considered literate in Japanese, so I’ve got a long way to go. In the fall I’m planning to start taking classes at the Japan/America guild. Then I will have a teacher! And she’s Japanese! and has a PhD in teaching languages! That should move things along, I think.


Language makes my brain happy.


Our little church on the hill gets to be more of a blessing all the time. Not sure how much more I can say in detail, but it does. God brought us into an amazing family here.


I think my children ask to play in the sprinklers for the express purpose of creating a mud pit for themselves.


Anna and Sarah have logged 2,400 and 3,600 5,692 (I stand corrected) minutes, respectively, on their summer reading logs since June 1st. Half Price Books better recognize, man. We keep them in business.


Jonah and Naiah started reading in earnest this summer as well. They’ll definitely surpass their 600 minute goal, which is BIG for them. We’re really proud of all our readers.


I’m writing a 100 day journal. It’s kept in a 100 page composition notebook. The nameplate on the front is labeled “ON PURPOSE”, because the point of the 100 day journal is to focus myself on living each day intentionally, prioritizing the things I feel called to do as a person, mom, wife, Christ follower. In the morning I set two or three intentions for the day, which vary from mundane to difficult, depending on the day. I might also set out a few strategies or tools to help me get them done. And at the end of the day I use the back of the page to reflect on how it went and how I felt about it all. So far it has been a help. No huge developments. But for me, simply doing the same thing two days in a row is a miracle.


Jason is getting treated for ADD for the first time ever. I don’t notice it most of the time, but he says it’s a different ballgame at work, and when he preached in our class Sunday it was the most clear and crisp teaching he’s ever done. It was like the meds helped him translate the crazy-squiggly lines in his head into a colorful plaid that normal people could follow. Now, I always liked his crazy-squigglies, but I also like that from now on even more people can benefit from what he studies and learns. He has a lot to explore right now.


Judah is big. Not so much in size (although compared to our other kids, he’s big that way too), more in the way he thinks and acts. He smiles easily and tries to talk and follow the big kids around. He likes to ride on Sarah’s hip wherever she goes. Sibling relationships blow my mind. I’m glad he has so many people to love on him.


Yeah, not so epic. But there you go. Happy 1,000th post, you poor, neglected blog.

Maybe this’ll help:

Baby in a bath!!!! BAM!

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Ella (age 2): Mommy, are you awake?

Me: Yes, I am! Are you awake?

Ella: Yes, I am! Now, let’s sing a song!

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Mr. Big Stuff

(Who do you think you are?)



So um… I guess it’s been a while since I blogged ANYTHING. June is missing. So sad.

But this Judah James person is eight months old today. He started walking last month. Just a step or two at a time, but still, it’s too soon. I expect he’ll be running in the next couple of months.

But he’s sweet. And compliant. And easy. And lovely. He’s also the hardest guy I’ve had to feed just because of his super pinches and his wild contortions when he is nursing. He was also my scariest biter.

But he learns fast. He knows what ‘gentle’ means, sort of. He tries. It’s tough when you’re super baby.

This is his favorite girl to chase.


She’s almost three now. THREE. Her words are catching up to her thoughts. It’s a trip to finally know what goes through that happy, hard head of hers.

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